Each Day is a
Super Day!
Get the best out of your each day!

Each Day is a
Potential Super Day!

Recurring Tasks

Setup tasks on repeat that you do daily or with a recurring
pattern or scheduled task each month.
Think - Workout Daily for 30 Mins at 6 in Morning

Streak It Out!

Tack streaks for each or grouped tasks and see how far you have come to
achieving your goals.

Eg - You have a record 30 days streak to reading a page each day.

Not all work are chores! Some are Deep and Exciting!

Block and freeze time for Deep Work that need your full 100%
attention and focus.

Eg - Planning a new strategy for Marketing, Drafting a new
agreement for a new investment.

Track and Analyse

Each task is a step towards a healthy work life balance. Track your
productivity and time and check for balance

Each day can be a

Super Day!

Get the most out of your potential, convert thoughts into doable actions, make a success out of each day with ease.

Download the SuperDay App now!

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